Listening to your advice! Deepophobia V.0.2.3

hey guys so I thought of asking you, in a reddit post about the Azure Megalith cry, and TapOnTime said it needed to sound deeper so i got a new sound and made deeper and made the old sound play when your close and made the new sound play when your far away so when your close a less scary  sound and smaller screen shake is displayed but when your far and you don't know what made that sound, a more scary sound and bigger screen shake is displayed.

Thanks TapOnTime for the idea, it sounds a lot better now! 

extra things

-Fixed a major bug with the occlusion culling, which was supposed to make objects not seen by the player not render but sometimes it made objects seen by the player not render, which were usually big objects, i realized i had to re bake it.

-I will start getting play testers....that are more than my siblings

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